Tuesday, July 11, 2023


There are different types of wealth that people can pursue to live a well-balanced and fulfilled life. 

Financial Wealth
This type of wealth pertains to money and financial assets

Social Wealth

 This type of wealth pertains to relationships, connections, and status

Physical Wealth
This type of wealth pertains to health and well-being, both physical and mental

Time Wealth

This type of wealth pertains to freedom and the ability to spend time on things that matter most

Spiritual Wealth
This type of wealth pertains to soul, emotional, and mental health

It is important to note that while financial wealth is often prioritized, the other types of wealth are equally important to overall well-being

Successful families that have sustained wealth over more than three generations often have a different view and definition of wealth, which includes the four types of wealth mentioned above

Pursuing these different types of wealth can help ensure that individuals and families are looking at and pursuing many dimensions of wealth

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